Children’s Ministry (ages 6-12)
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Faith is Generational when We are Intentional.
Children’s Ministry
Our children’s ministry provides a place where children can have fun, faith-strengthening experiences that will last a lifetime. Our student ministries seek to make disciples by partnering with Christian parents and adults in the church. We do this by utilizing small groups, worship gatherings, and mission opportunities to engage and involve students in the life of the church. We also seek to encourage and support parents to be the spiritual heroes of their family. Our student ministry motto is simple: “Empower Parents and Adopt Spiritual Orphans.”
At Kid’s Klub, we start out the night with high energy games. We then have a Bible study with the kids that focuses both on spiritual improvement and Bible memorization. We always end the night with a snack!
On Sunday mornings, the children are dismissed from the main service to attend the Elevate service! This is a high energy service with our children that involves music, dancing, energetic lessons, and a snack!
Kids Klub – Wednesdays @ 6pm (PreK – 5th Grade)
Sunday School – 9:45am
Elevate – 10:55am (1st Grade – 5th Grade)
Nursery available Sunday mornings
Event Payments Click Here
If you would like to pay for an upcoming children’s event, you can do that here. Just scroll down to “trip fees” and add the amount in either “youth” or “children.” To the right of the amount let us know what event you are paying for. Then click “continue.”
Download Waiver Liability HERE (Word Doc Format)
Vacation Bible School 2024 Was a Success!
Here are some of the photos of our kids. Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped make it happen!